We are delighted to invite you to join us for the joint ANZAAG and ISPAR (Australian and New Zealand Anaesthetic Allergy Group and International Suspected Perioperative Allergic Reaction Group) Symposium in Melbourne from Friday 15 to Sunday 17 November 2024.  The theme of the meeting is “Expect the Unexpected”.

This joint symposium brings together international and local experts in the field of perioperative allergy and there will be talks on topics including pathogenesis, common and uncommon perioperative allergens, management and investigation of suspected perioperative anaphylaxis, and drug provocation. There will also be workshops and sessions with interactive discussion and participation, and we are proud to announce the new abstract prize competition – the inaugural Malcolm Fisher Prize competition.

The program for 15 and 16 November includes:

  • Talks from international and local experts with up-to-date knowledge and best practice.
  • Anaphylaxis management workshops that meet the ANZCA CPD Anaphylaxis Emergency Response criteria.
  • An interactive two-hour testing workshop with four 30 minute themes run by anaesthetists and allergists. (There is likely to be a significant demand for this workshop, so make sure to book early.)
  • Networking reception to facilitate clinical and scientific collaborations.

The inaugural Malcolm Fisher Prize session.

  • We are inviting abstract submissions based on an original research study, service evaluation, quality improvement, or a case series relevant to perioperative allergy or anaphylaxis.
  • The authors of the five best abstracts will be invited to give an oral presentation in the program.
  • To encourage trainees and junior researchers to submit an abstract, we may be able to provide some financial assistance to those authors selected to present. This will be done on a case-by-case basis.
  • The best presentation will be awarded the Malcolm Fisher Prize worth A$1000.

On Sunday 17 November there is an additional half day case conference providing an opportunity to present and discuss interesting and challenging cases. This session will count towards the ANZCA CPD Practice Evaluation category.

This symposium is an excellent platform to network with like-minded professionals. Please visit the meeting webpage for more information and to register.

We look forward to welcoming you to Melbourne in November 2024.

Dr Helen Kolawole and Professor Lene Heise Garvey, Chair ISPAR

2024 ANZAAG and ISPAR combined ASM
  • 1517 November, 2024
  • Melbourne