Full: Medical specialists who hold specialist registration for clinical practice in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and/or Malaysia. Cost of full membership is NZD $250.
Associate: Medical practitioners who do not hold specialist registration; Health Professionals, including persons qualified as nurses, pharmacists, dentists and occupational health professionals; Health Associate Professionals including persons qualified as medical and pathology laboratory technicians; Scientists and Researchers. Cost of associate membership is NZD $49.
Retired: ANZAAG members who wish to retain an interest in perioperative allergy may apply when they cease clinical practice. Cost of retired membership is NZD $49.
The ANZAAG constitution requires that to be eligible for ANZAAG membership a person must:
(a) support the objects of the group; and
(b) be actively involved in clinical practice, teaching or research relating to perioperative allergy; and
(c) have such qualifications or satisfy such other criteria as set out in the bylaws.